Category: Other Things

  • 2023

    I think about posting all the time, and I have a lot of drafts saved from the last year and a half or so. But I never do. I realized that I placed a lot of rules upon myself with this blog, and in doing so made it …. not fun or something I wanted…

  • The COVID-19 Crisis: One Year In

    The COVID-19 Crisis: One Year In

    Everyone’s dealing with the pandemic differently (including those that somehow refuse to believe the virus is real?), but I’m sure a lot of us are dealing with slightly similar things. Either way, I wanted to talk about my experience a year into this thing, and the three phases I’ve gone through. Am I whining? Maybe.…

  • Summer Vacation is OVER!

    Summer Vacation is OVER!

    Well, I didn’t end up posting as much as I thought I would this summer. A lot of the things I did weren’t “post worthy”, but does that mean I wasted my summer? Heck no! I had a great four and a half months off. I was busy almost the entire time and never bored…

  • New Thing: Visting a Bee Farm!

    New Thing: Visting a Bee Farm!

    I’ve always loved bees – bumble bees, honey bees, any other type of bee, BUT NOT WASPS. Bees are great. I once rescued one from being stepped on. I love bees. And I also love honey. Coincidentally, there are a few honey/bee farms near Calgary so I finally went to check one out!

  • New Thing: Volunteering at a Powerlifting World Championship

    New Thing: Volunteering at a Powerlifting World Championship

    For the past two weeks I’ve spent four-ish hours of most of my days volunteering at the 2018 World Classic Powerlifting Championships! For those who are unaware, it’s one of the yearly elite powerlifting competitions where countries from all over the world send their best lifters to compete for class titles. Lucky for me it…