Author: Tessa

  • 2023

    I think about posting all the time, and I have a lot of drafts saved from the last year and a half or so. But I never do. I realized that I placed a lot of rules upon myself with this blog, and in doing so made it …. not fun or something I wanted…

  • The COVID-19 Crisis: One Year In

    The COVID-19 Crisis: One Year In

    Everyone’s dealing with the pandemic differently (including those that somehow refuse to believe the virus is real?), but I’m sure a lot of us are dealing with slightly similar things. Either way, I wanted to talk about my experience a year into this thing, and the three phases I’ve gone through. Am I whining? Maybe.…

  • The side effects of Planning school.

    The side effects of Planning school.

    Hey guys and welcome back to my channel! Just kidding… I’ve clearly been watching a lot of YouTube with this whole COVID-19 isolation thing… but that’s beside the point. I’ve been mentally working on this post for the last year, taking time to properly reflect and absorb things. I’M FINISHED GRAD SCHOOL! And I want…

  • Adventures in Mental Health Part 2.

    Adventures in Mental Health Part 2.

    Another multiple month hiatus – but that was definitely to be expected with the brutal semester I just finished. So here is the second part to my last post!

  • Adventures in Mental Health Part 1.

    Adventures in Mental Health Part 1.

    Over the last 6-ish months, I’ve had a resurgence of mental health issues similar to those I’ve had in the past, as well as the development of potential new ones. Or at least new thought patterns and feelings. This will be difficult for me to write about.