Summer Vacation is OVER!

Well, I didn’t end up posting as much as I thought I would this summer. A lot of the things I did weren’t “post worthy”, but does that mean I wasted my summer? Heck no! I had a great four and a half months off. I was busy almost the entire time and never bored for a second. But what did I even do?!

I focused on my health

With all the free time, I was able to focus on my mental and physical health and get myself to a place where I am the healthiest I have ever been.

I meal prepped most weeks (although I did do this while working too) which was nice, but I also spent a lot of time in the gym and playing sports. I did well in my powerlifting competition and set myself up for lifting success over the next couple years. I’m in the best shape of my life and my “athleticism” (I don’t really consider myself an athlete) is finally showing in the every day things. I played on a beach volleyball team for 16 weeks and learned I suck at volleyball.

I wasn’t a lazy butt all summer – I got up at 6am most days and walked my dog, even if I didn’t have any plans for the day. It really helped me be productive and learn how I can force myself to get going when I want to be lazy.

Being away from an environment that made me so angry (work) also really helped with my mental state. I had almost zero stress the entire summer, and when stressful situations did arise, I was able to handle them better and regulate my emotions more effectively. I learned how to acknowledge my own emotions without trying to make excuses or reasoning my way through them. Just thinking things like “ok I feel  [upset/sad/angry/anxious/whatever] because of [this particular reason], that’s totally fine and I am allowed to feel that way” really helped me work through some things. In the past my internal dialogue would be more along the lines of “I am [upset/sad/angry/anxious/whatever] but I SHOULDN’T BE, how do I get rid of it, what are the SECRET REASONS THAT DON’T ACTUALLY EXIST that are making me feel this way?!?”. Obviously unhealthy and self loathing behaviour, but I think I’ve broken that cycle! Woo.

I focused on my home

I spent a lot of time doing deep-cleans of various rooms and organizing things. Cleaning the little areas I never think to – like the top of curtain rods, the top of the moulding around the closets, things like that. I went through my closets and cupboards, and pulled together multiple giant garbage bags of clothes along with boxes of dishes and kitchenware to donate. I organized the pantry, cleaned the fridge, hung pictures that have been sitting in the spare room forever. If you don’t know this about me, I like cleaning and organizing, so these activities WERE fun.

I did some DIY – patched & painted a drywall hole from when we installed the washer and dryer. That was fun. I actually really enjoy home renovation type activities. I had a lot of fun renovating my bathroom a few years ago…. well, before I busted my ankle in the middle of it and had to wait a few months to continue. I also ripped up my deck! That was actually pretty fun (read: exhausting). I’m really glad I ripped it up this year because the support beams underneath were rotten and almost collapsed, so it would have to go eventually anyway. My hopes are to put in a patio next year because….

There are bumble bees living under the deck! And I love bees (see my last post for evidence of that). Unfortunately, I learned that bumble bee colonies die each year after producing new queens and sending them out into the world, so my bees will be gone soon. I also learned that bumble bees live underground, it was really cool to see them enter the nest after I ripped up the deck. So I’m letting the bees live out the rest of their short lives and I will do more work on the patio next summer.

There was also a wasp nest I had to deal with. I noticed a wasp building a standard paper hive right at the front entrance to my house a while ago, but we got rid of it…. then I noticed they decided to nest under the siding of the house instead. Great. Super cool. I learned a lot of various home remedies that DON’T WORK. I eventually called pest control because I was tired of dealing with them and having the wasps get all pissy when I was trying to rip up boards near their nest entrance.

I actually had a social life

Which is weird, because I really like being alone. But I was seeing friends constantly. I even reconnected with a handful of old friends I haven’t hung out with in years. A few years ago I used to stress about not having any friends, or my friends not ever being available. Luckily I haven’t felt like that in quite some time.

I took a trip with friends to Las Vegas, which was a new place to visit for me. A group of six of us went and had a BLAST! 2018 is apparently my year for travelling with friends, which I’d never done before January.

One of my best friends (and definitely my oldest friend) basically broke her finger and couldn’t work or compete in her sport, which was great for me because I got to spend a lot of time with her over the last few weeks. But I mean, it isn’t great for her because…. she can’t make money… and can’t do what she loves… but it’s great for me! Sorry Kristen, love you.

I just enjoyed life

I am insanely grateful that I was able to take time off before school starts. I wish everyone could take extended time off work, because I definitely feel refreshed. I remember coming back from 2-3 week vacations while working and not feeling like I had been gone at all. Apparently if I had taken a 4 month vacation instead, I would have felt much better. Why can’t sabbaticals be a thing in every profession?!?

Overall, my summer was awesome. I felt free, felt like I was finally living for myself and not for everyone else. But I am SO EXCITED for school and the next chapter of my life.